Massage, Anyone?

Leonard in Health

Feb 18, 20202 min Read

You are stressed. So what do you do? Go for a whole body massage! Everyone deserves to chill out. If your work is getting you all depressed, a good massage will de-stress and loosen you up.

Wellness spas are becoming more in demand nowadays because they offer therapeutic services such as the much loved massage therapy.  There are different massage therapy techniques. Some are used for pain management, relaxation or medical treatment.

The health benefits are numerous, and here are some of the more obvious ones:

  • Offers relaxation

First of all, everyone sees massage as a form of relaxation specially when the body is tensed and stressed. The body produces stress hormones called cortisol. Massage therapy decreases cortisol and enables our body to recover from free radicals and triggers the lasting feelings of relaxation, improved mood, and reduced stress levels.

  • Improves blood circulation

Through pressure by the hands, massage improves blood circulation along congested areas of the body. As a result, it improves lymph fluid circulation which carries away the metabolic waste from our organs and muscles.

  • Reduces muscle cramps and spasm

Massage therapy reduces the compressed nerves around the muscles and the pressure on the muscles, ligaments, and tendons relieves the body from pain.

  • Strengthens the immune system

Lymphocytes are necessary to boost one’s immune system and studies show that 45 minutes of good massage increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood.

How often should I go for a massage? It depends on your mood, stress level, or BUDGET. A monthly visit to a spa is most recommended though.

What should I do before and during a massage? Take a bath and drink enough fluids. Free your mind from current responsibilities and just be in the moment. Feel comfortable and enjoy the massage.

What do I do after a massage? Hydrate yourself. Take a cup of warm tea or warm water to help flush out the toxins that were loosened during the massage. Avoid cold fluids for the next two hours. It is best to rest for five more minutes after the attendant leaves the room. Do not hurry getting up to avoid giddiness. Lastly, take a good deep breath after the whole session to allow oxygen to circulate to every muscle in your body.

When should I not go for a massage? Refrain from going to the spa if you have fever, inflammation, infections, osteoporosis, or a medical condition that does not allow pressure on your skin or muscle, or stretching of muscles. For females, avoid massage during your periods. We do not want hematoma or bruises afterwards.

So the next time stress gets you, you know what to.

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