Health Benefits of Basil Leaves

Rose May Pimentel in Health

May 14, 20213 min Read

Basil is one of the oldest herbs known and widely utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and other holistic medical systems. Basil contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and popular as a food seasoning.

There are several available varieties with different flavor profiles. Sweet basil is widely used for cooking while holy basil is commonly used for supplements and herbal tea.

Here are some of the amazing health benefits of basil leaves, from Wellness Mama:

* Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory

It can act as an antioxidant and help the body get rid of free radicals. Research showed that these antioxidants make basil a great choice for helping with inflammatory diseases, fever, common cold, stress, purifying the blood, reducing blood glucose, risk of heart attacks and cholesterol level, mouth ulcer, and arthritis.

* Anti-Cancer

Researchers found that holy basil contains phytochemicals that prevent chemical-induced cancers (skin, liver, oral, and lung). Basil does this by increasing the antioxidant activity, altering the gene expressions, inducing cancer cell death, and inhibiting blood vessel development in the cell.

* Antibacterial and Antimicrobial

In a study, basil essential oil was used to test its effectiveness against multi-drug resistant bacteria strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli). It was active against every strain of E-coli it was tested with. Basil was also shown to have anti-microbial properties that were found to fight mold, yeast, and bacteria.

* Supports Healthy Cognition and Reduces Depression

Researchers found holy basil enhanced cognitive function and also improved other chronic health issues like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and psychological stress. A review found that it was a great remedy for mental stress associated with depression.

* Calming the Stomach

The Italians may be up to something with adding basil to everything. Basil thought to have a calming effect on the stomach. One-half teaspoon of dried or fresh basil leaf in water can often help sooth indigestion and alleviate feelings of fullness.

* Coughing and Colds

 Several Amish suggest using basil leaf to help alleviate coughing and colds. They chew fresh leaves to calm coughing or make a calming tea of dried basil to help sooth illness.

* Facial Steam for Headache

A facial steam with dried basil leaf can help alleviate a headache. Add a tablespoon of dried basil leaf to 2 cups of boiling water in a large pot. Carefully lean over the pot, cover head with a towel, and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes until headache starts to subside. Bonus, you get to smell like an Italian restaurant for the rest of the day.

* Stings and Bites

If you ‘re working outside and get bitten or stung by an insect and don’t have any plantain growing nearby, chewing up a basil leaf and applying it to the bite will help relieve the pain and draw out the venom.

* Ear Infections

Basil essential oil is antibacterial, and drops of basil oil can often relieve ear infections.

* Blood Sugar

There is some evidence that basil can help level out blood sugar if consumed regularly and drank as a juice or tea.

* Stress Reduction

A herbalist suggests adding 2 cups of strong basil leaf tea to a warm bath to help reduce stress and facilitate relaxation.

* Natural Cleaning Spray

The anti-microbial nature of basil makes this natural cleaning spray a great choice for sanitizing.

* Herbal Hair Rinse 

Basil promotes hair growth as it nourishes with vitamins A and C, flavonoids, and polyphenolic acids.

No wonder, the word “basil” comes from the ancient Greek “basilikhon” which means “royal”.

Stay safe and healthy.

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