Benefits and uses of aloe vera

Rose May Pimentel in Health

Aug 04, 20202 min Read

Aloe Vera or Sabila in Tagalog is known as a plant that offers endless benefits. It has been proven to contain almost all essential nutrients, minerals, anti-septic/anti-inflammatory properties, and polysaccharides to protect, cleanse, and detox inside and out.  No wonder it has been called the “plant of immortality” by the Egyptians.

According to Health HowStuffWorks, here are some ways in how this little succulent plant can be used:

1. Treat burns and heal sunburns. Apply pure Aloe Vera gel at the affected area. It soothes the sunburn for it contains cooling properties similar to menthol.

2. Take the sting or itch out of insect bites; Thanks to Aloe’s natural antiseptic properties, it helps them heal faster.  Before applying, leave the gel in the fridge for 10 minutes so it gets cold.

3. Fight athlete’s foot by using Aloe Vera.

4. To moisturize dry skin, use Aloe Vera gel or a lotion that contains it instead of regular cream or lotion. Aloe is fast-absorbing and a proven skin-hydrator.

5. Prevent pesky pimples and treat acne. Apply twice a day for four weeks to see results.

6. Soothe psoriasis by using Aloe Vera up to three times daily.


7. Apply it on stretch marks. Though there’s not much clinical evidence that it heals stretch marks but it is known for skin softening and healing.

8. Shrink warts. Soak a cotton ball in Aloe Vera gel and apply it to the wart. Do this daily for two weeks or until you see results.

9. Reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles by applying Aloe Vera gel on your face or body. It worked for Cleopatra so it might work for you.

10. Help eliminates eczema. Its anti-inflammatory properties can soothe this skin condition.

11. Brighten skin. Aloe can decrease pigmentation and dark spots.

12. To lessen hair breakage, massage aloe into your scalp, let it stay for 30 minutes, then rinse. Aloe Vera stimulates blood circulation and it can also reduce hair dandruff.

13. Replace your hair conditioner with Aloe for silkier and smoother hair or use a hair conditioner containing aloe.

14. Drink 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice to relieve gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion and heartburn.  It can also reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome including bloating and discomfort. Studies have shown that Aloe Vera is safe and effective for treating IBS.

15. Boil Aloe Vera leaves in a pan of water and breathes in the vapor to help prevent asthma attacks.

16. Take Aloe Vera orally to strengthen gums and promote strong healthy teeth.  You may also use it as a mouthwash to reduce gingivitis as well.

Enjoy Aloe Vera’s amazing benefits by growing your one at home.  It’s easy to care for. Stay healthy everyone.

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