Best Food Sources for Vitamin C
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Jul 28, 2020 • 3 min Read
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid and ascorbate, is a water-soluble vitamin that’s found in many foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. It is needed for growth and development, and a vital weapon in fighting coronavirus (COVID-19), according to health experts.
The body could not produce or store Vitamin C. Thus, it is important to regularly consume sufficient amounts of Vitamin C in your daily diet for the current daily value (DV) for Vitamin C is 90 mg.
According to Healthline, here are some of the foods that are high in Vitamin C:
1. Chili peppers or sili
One green chili pepper contains 109 mg of Vitamin C or 121% of the DV and one red chili pepper delivers 65 mg or 72% of the DV. Chili peppers may reduce pain and inflammation.
2. Guavas
Single guava contains 126 mg of Vitamin C or 140% of the DV. Guavas may lower blood pressure and total cholesterol levels.
3. Mustard spinach or mustasa
One cup of raw mustard spinach provides 195 mg of Vitamin C, or 217% of the DV, or 117 mg of Vitamin C, or 130% when cooked. It is high in Vitamin A, potassium, calcium, manganese, fiber, and folate.
4. Kiwis
One medium kiwi packs 71 mg of Vitamin C or 79% of the DV. It may reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke, oxidative stress, lower cholesterol, and improve immunity.
5. Broccoli
One-half cup of cooked broccoli provides 51 mg of Vitamin C or 57% of the DV. Numerous studies have shown that it may lower oxidative stress, improve immunity, and decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease.
6. Brussels sprouts
One-half cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 49 mg or 54% of the DV for Vitamin C. It is high in fiber, Vitamin K, folate, Vitamin A, manganese, and potassium, and may improve your bone strength and function.
7. Lemons
One whole raw lemon, including its peel, provides 83 mg of Vitamin C, or 92% of the DV. Vitamin C in lemon juice acts as an antioxidant.
8. Lychees
One lychee provides nearly 7 mg of Vitamin C, or 7.5% of the DV, while a one-cup serving provides 151%. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that benefit your brain, heart, and blood vessels.
9. Papayas
One cup (145 grams) of papaya provides 87 mg of Vitamin C or 97% of the DV. It may help improve memory.
10. Strawberries
One cup of strawberry halves (152 grams) provides 89 mg of Vitamin C or 99% of the DV. Due to high antioxidant content, it may prevent cancer, vascular disease, dementia, diabetes, and reduce heart disease risk factors.
11. Oranges
One medium-sized orange provides 70 mg of Vitamin C, which is 78% of the DV (55). Widely eaten, it makes up a significant portion of dietary Vitamin C intake.
Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters of all. A lack of Vitamin C can make you prone to getting sick.
Research suggests that Vitamin C may reduce the severity of complications related to COVID-19, but not treat or prevent the condition itself. The best protection for COVID-19 is still by wearing face masks, frequent and proper handwashing, observing physical distancing, and practicing proper cough etiquette. Stay healthy and safe!