Body signs you should not ignore
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Sep 11, 2020 • 3 min Read
Your body speaks to you in symptoms. It’s important to listen to what it tries to tell you.
What is your body trying to tell you?
Watch your body signs and symptoms because they tell you if it has an issue and it needs help. Here are some warning signs and subtle symptoms you shouldn’t ignore, from Best Health Magazine:
* You’re bloated
If you’re always bloated, it could mean you have a food allergy or sensitivity.
* You Snore
Snoring can be a sign of a serious health problem. Speak to your doc to rule out sleep apnea and make sure you don’t have a deviated septum.
* You’re Gassy
Like bloating, extreme gas can be a sign of major digestion issues. If gas is a problem for you more often than not, it could mean you have an unidentified food allergy or sensitivity or are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
* You’re Always Tired
If you feel lethargic (no matter how many hours of shut-eye you get) on the regular, it’s worth talking to your MD. Fatigue is often a sign of many different, inter-related health problems.
* You Can’t Sleep
It’s one thing to have trouble falling asleep when you just aren’t tired, but if you can’t get any rest despite feeling exhausted, it’s worth bringing up with your doctor. Insomnia is an under-identified problem that signals sub-optimal health.
* You Get Headaches Regularly
Besides being a pain (literally), headaches are usually pretty harmless. But if you notice that your symptoms are becoming more regular, more severe, or more persistent, go see a health professional.
* Your Muscles Cramp Up
Everyone suffers from a muscle cramp now and then (especially after a tough workout) but be aware of how often you’re feeling sore. Muscle cramps are often a sign of nutrient deficiencies.
* You Suffer From Allergies
Seasonal allergies are a sign that your immune system is being challenged, and that you are being exposed to a level of inflammation that is not healthy. They’re a sign of dysfunction.
* Your Nails Are a Funky Colour
Nails are supposed to be pink, so if yours are venturing into any other color category, speak to your doctor. Funky-colored nails could be a sign of anything from fungus to lymphedema.
* You’re Losing Weight
If you’re losing weight for no apparent reason, consult a health pro. Unexplained weight loss can be a symptom of several serious health issues.
* You’re Gaining Weight
Just like unexplained weight loss, unexplained weight gain is also something to see a doctor about. It could be a sign of an underactive thyroid or polycystic ovarian syndrome.
* You’re Losing A Lot of Hair
Losing 100 strands per day is normal, but if you’re pulling out more than that, talk to a professional. Significant hair loss can be a symptom of hypothyroidism or you could be lacking some essential nutrients.
* You’re Not Regular
If you’re eating a high-fiber diet and drinking a lot of water, and you’re still not regular with your bowel movements, take note. Though “regular” means different things to different people, conditions like depression and hypothyroidism can slow down the body’s normal processes.
Taking care of your health is an ongoing process. Don’t wait until an issue becomes too bad to ignore; take note of the warning signs that your body is giving you and make the changes you need to improve your wellbeing. Stay healthy and safe!