Health Benefits of Alugbati
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Jul 27, 2023 • 3 min Read
Alugbati, also known as Malabar spinach in English is a leafy green vegetable that grows as a backyard plant. It’s an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and is used in traditional medicine for its anticancer, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholesterol, anti-ulcer, antimicrobial, anti-hypoglycemic, wound healing, and androgenic benefits.
Depending on your preferences, you can eat it baked, boiled, fried, sautéed, or steamed. It goes well with salads, smoothies, and stews, and is one of the ingredients in ginisang munggo. This veggie can be used in curries or coated in batter and fried.
Here are some of the amazing health benefits of this superfood:
1. Controls Blood Pressure
Alugbati leaves are powerful in controlling blood pressure. Its high manganese and potassium contents are beneficial for heart rate and can prevent heart disease. It can also relieve headache related to high blood pressure.

2. Prevents Cancer
Like other vegetables, alugbati is packed with antioxidants. It fights free radicals. Green vegetables are excellent in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the oral cavity and lungs.
3. Prevents Constipation
Its leaves are good for the digestive system. It aids in the bowel movement and other related digestive problems.
4. Relieves Ulcer
The smoothness of alugbati leaves can relieve stomach ulcers.

5. Good For Pregnancy
Alugbati leaves provide folate that is needed by pregnant women. It’s essential for the baby’s nervous system.
6. Helps Weight Loss
Every single serving of alugbati leaves contains nutrients like natural fiber, vitamins, and minerals but is low in calories. Its fiber content is beneficial in improving the digestive organs resulting in a good metabolism system which is the key to losing weight.
7. Releases Toxins
Alugbati can improve bowel movement and allows the body to release toxins from feces. Its leaves are diuretic and enable the body to release toxins through urine.
8. Prevents Anemia
Its leaves are rich in iron, and 100 grams of fresh leaves can fulfill 15% of your daily need. Regular consumption of leaves can keep you from getting anemia.

9. Improves Eyesight
Alugbati leaves and its stems are rich in vitamin A, which is important for the eye’s health. Consumption of alugbati can improve your eyesight.
10. Helps You Sleep
Besides maintaining the health of your skin and internal organs, alugbati can also help you relax. Magnesium and zinc present in alugbati, help you close your eyes, relax your whole body and quickly recharge your energy.
11. Softens Skin
Alugbati leaves can soften, rehydrates, and cools down your skin. Just apply it on your skin and use it as a facial mask.
12. Has Anti-Aging Property
Free radicals also cause premature aging. Apply alugbati leaves on your skin to prevent it. Alugbati leaves have antioxidants that slow down the aging process and make your skin younger looking.

13. Reduces Swelling
The leaves’ ability in cooling down skin is beneficial in reducing swelling. Its vitamin content blocks inflammation and reduces swelling.
14. Boosts Immunity
Various studies reveal that alugbati are high in vitamin C, which is very good in improving the immune system.
Indeed, the heart-shaped leaves of alugbati are healthy and good for our hearts. It’s one of the most affordable and versatile veggies that Pinoys can consume to improve their health. Start including it in your diet and enjoy its benefits.
Stay healthy and safe!
Featured Photo Source: Etsy