Health Benefits of Barley
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Nov 21, 2022 • 2 min Read
Barley offers a variety of health benefits because of its vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants contents. It’s recognized as one of the most nutritious plant foods and a great source of dietary fiber.
According to research, barley is the only vegetation on the earth that can supply nutritional support from birth to old age. It’s also said to be the most excellent source of nutrients the body needs for growth, repair, and well-being. It is a cereal grain that people can use in bread, beverages, stews, and other foods. It’s also found in different forms.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of barley, from Organic Facts:
1. Helps Keep the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract Healthy
Barley, being an excellent source of fiber, can help rid your body of toxins. It is effective in maintaining a healthy colon. Keeping the intestine in proper health, helps your bowel movement, and keeps your stomach clean.
2. Protects Against Gallstones
Barley effectively helps women avoid developing gallstones. Since it is rich in insoluble fiber, which helps reduce bile acid secretion, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering triglyceride levels. An article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology says that women consuming a fibrous diet have a 17% lower risk of gallstones as compared to other women.
3. Aids in Skin Care
Barley is a good source of selenium, which may help preserve skin elasticity, thereby protecting it against free radical damage. It also improves our heart, pancreas, and immune system functioning.

4. Controls Cholesterol Levels
The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published a study, which suggests that barley and all its products help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Doctors recommend it as an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fibers, naturally low-fat content, and minimal cholesterol content.
5. Manages Diabetes
As per a study published in Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, barley effectively helps control type 2 diabetes mellitus because of its high-fiber content. Its grain has all the essential vitamins and minerals, particularly beta-glucan soluble fiber. Nutrition Research proved that insulin-resistant men who consumed barley beta-glucan soluble fiber had significantly reduced glucose and insulin levels as compared to other test subjects.
6. Has Anti-Cancer Properties
Barley content has anti-carcinogenic properties that may help treat many types of cancer. It may help prevent breast and other hormonal cancers as well as coronary heart diseases.

7. Helps Protect Heart Health
Atherosclerosis is a condition when the artery walls thicken due to the coagulation or deposition of fatty materials like cholesterol. Barley contains niacin (a B vitamin) that can help reduce overall cholesterol, and lipoprotein levels, and minimize cardiovascular risk factors. A study by the American Dietetic Association suggests that whole-grain diets are vital for people suffering from high blood pressure. Barley, being rich in fiber, can lower blood pressure as well as aid in maintaining optimal weight.
Indeed, barley is a nutritional powerhouse. Add this wonderful grain to your diet and enjoy its benefits!
Stay healthy and safe!