Health Benefits of Bell Pepper

Rose May Pimentel in Health

Jan 27, 20213 min Read

Red, orange, and yellow bell peppers are full of great health benefits—they’re packed with vitamins and low in calories. They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and potassium. Bell peppers also contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate, and iron.

This versatile non-spicy chili vegetable goes well in any cuisine worldwide, be it soups, salads, curries, gravies, pizzas, pasta, etc. They can be eaten either raw or cooked.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of bell pepper, from Health Fitness Revolution:

1. Eye Health

Bell peppers contain over 30 different types of carotenoids including beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, etc. Carotenoids are responsible for the bright red, yellow, and orange coloring in many fruits and vegetables. Researchers have found that they help heal eyes and ward off eye disease because they absorb damaging blue light as it enters the eye.

2. Prevent Cancer

Carotenoids have powerful antioxidant effects that can prevent certain types of cancers. Carotenoids deactivate free radicals, which are the cell-damaging oxygen atoms that react with other molecules in your body. Make sure to let bell peppers ripen to maximize the number of antioxidant benefits they possess – ripening increases the carotenoid content in bell peppers. They also have sulfur which helps prevent cancer.

3. Boosts Immunity

The amount of vitamin C increases with ripening as well, and bell peppers are full of vitamin C. 1 cup of sliced red bell peppers gives you 157% of your daily vitamin C content, making them a great way to stay healthy.

4. Balances Mood

If you are feeling blue, try to increase the amount of vitamin B6 you consume. Naturally occurring in bell peppers, B6 helps your brain produce serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that affect your mood.

5. Natural Sleep Aid 

Not able to fall asleep at night? Eat some bell peppers. The vitamin B6 found in bell peppers also aids in melatonin production, which your body needs to regulate its internal clock.

6. Weight Loss

Bell peppers are very low in fat and calories- about 1 gram of fat and 29 calories per cup- which makes them an ideal snack option, or a great supplement for the main meal. This small amount of fat is enough to provide reliable storage for bell pepper’s fat-soluble nutrients.

7. Beautiful Skin 

Bell peppers contain a solid amount of Vitamin E, which helps keep skin looking fresh and young, and hair strong and vibrant.

8. Lowers Cholesterol

Bell peppers contain capsaicin and that’s good news for those with high cholesterol because capsaicin is a nutrient that lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in your system.

9. Helps with Pain

The bell pepper relieves chronic pain in a couple of ways. Vitamin C and vitamin K, both found in bell peppers, have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce swelling and protects against osteoporosis. Capsaicin also relieves chronic pain.

10. Heart Healthy 

The anti-inflammatory properties in bell pepper also lower inflammation in arteries. That means that bell peppers help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

Indeed, bell peppers are an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Go include this veggie in your diet plan now and enjoy its benefits!

Stay healthy and safe!

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