Health Benefits of Brown Rice
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Feb 11, 2023 • 3 min Read
More Pinoys are discovering the health benefits of brown rice. It is less processed and has more nutrient-rich varieties.
Brown rice is not stripped of the bran and germ like white rice. It contains higher fiber and micronutrient contents compared to white rice.
There are countless ways to consume brown rice and can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of brown rice, from Organic Facts:
1. Helps in Diabetes Management
Brown rice may be beneficial for diabetics and hyperglycemic individuals. It has a low glycemic index which might help reduce insulin surges and assist in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in the body.
2. Aids in Digestion
The fiber present in brown rice may help regulate bowel movements and keep you feeling full. Fiber content also brings relief from other conditions such as constipation and colitis.
3. Provides Antioxidants
Brown rice is bound to have more phytochemicals that exhibit antioxidant activity when compared to white rice or others. The grain may also be rich in flavonoids that add to its antioxidant activity. Antioxidants may help reduce stress, get rid of toxins, and keep some health conditions at bay.

4. Helps Reduce Obesity
Brown rice is instrumental in weight control for many people combating obesity. A study conducted revealed that whole grains such as brown rice have positive effects on the body concerning the reduction in body mass index and fat. It enhances the activity of an antioxidant enzyme linked with elevating the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol in obese individuals.
5. Have Neuroprotective Effects
A study concluded that germinated brown rice could offer neuroprotective action that protects the brain from oxidative stress. This may be beneficial for someone who is at risk of diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
6. Boosts Heart Health
Germinated brown rice can be a potential source of magnesium and proanthocyanidin that helps reduce cardiovascular complications and decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke. A study published suggests that an overall increased intake of whole grains may have a protective effect against coronary heart disease.
7. Controls Cholesterol Levels
Brown rice may have no cholesterol content and might work well as a replacement for any cholesterol-rich options you are looking to cut back on in your diet.

8. Have Antidepressant Properties
According to one animal study, germinated brown rice may contain anti-depressant qualities that may combat anxiety-related disorders. An investigative study suggested that it contains essential amino acids. These inhibitory neurotransmitters may facilitate a reduction in the allowance of messages associated with anxiety, depression, and stress in the brain, resulting in a relaxed state of well-being.
9. Helps Sleep Better
If you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, you can use melatonin-rich foods such as brown rice to fulfill any deficit. A study notes that ‘all fractions of germinated rice are a rich source of melatonin and rice bran fraction is a good source of serotonin.

10. Maintains Bone Health
Brown rice may be helpful for the maintenance of healthy bones, as it is rich in magnesium which, along with calcium, provides the bones their physical structure. Magnesium-rich, it may help mitigate bone demineralization and is beneficial for medical conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
Start including brown rice in your diet and enjoy its benefits.
Stay healthy and safe!