Health Benefits of Butter
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Oct 20, 2022 • 3 min Read
Butter and toast is a loved breakfast combination. Butter is a dairy product created from proteins and fats found in milk and cream, high in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Butter is widely used in baking for texture and volume. It can be spread on bread, roasted veggies, pasta dishes, and more.
Here are some of the amazing health benefits of butter:

1. Powerful Antioxidant
Natural butter consists of high levels of carotene which is an essential nutrient for human beings. Carotene contributes to human health in two ways, either by turning it into antioxidants or converting it into vitamin A. In terms of antioxidants, 60% of carotene taken in by the body is changed into these disease-fighting compounds in the body. Antioxidants are anti-infectious and can provide a boost to your immune system, can promote cell regrowth and repair, protecting it from vulnerability to infectious substances. High levels of vitamin A can improve your defenses against respiratory infections, as well as autoimmune diseases like AIDS.
2. Promotes Weight Loss
Weight loss is not a problem with butter. You can enjoy butter because it’s a rich source of dietary fats. It was found that consuming butter does not support obesity, but it should be limited.
3. Anti-Cancer Properties
High levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene have also been widely studied, and positive connections between these two nutrients and lower chances of colorectal and prostate cancer have been found. More research is still being done on vitamin A’s impact on breast cancer, and it’s hopeful. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has also been found in significant levels in butter and connected in studies as a cancer prevention method. Butter when consumed in moderate quantities helps reduce your chances of developing cancer.

4. Cardiovascular Health
Research has shown that high-fat dairy products do not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many studies have found the intake of high-fat dairy products is beneficial for cardiovascular health.
5. Thyroid Health
Our thyroid gland is arguably the most important part of our endocrine system, and one of the essential relationships that it has is with vitamin A. Most people with hypothyroidism or other thyroid-related illnesses have a vitamin-A deficiency. This helps the proper functioning and regulation of hormones to be created and secreted throughout the body. Butter has more vitamin-A than any other type of vitamin. If you have thyroid issues or want to prevent them from occurring, include butter in your diet but moderate amounts.
6. Promotes Healthy Brain and Nervous System
Butter is high in cholesterol and this is good. Our brain and nervous systems require cholesterol to develop properly. While the brain can make its own cholesterol, it also pulls cholesterol from the blood plasma (which comes from your diet) when it needs more. It’s also essential for growing children.
7. Eye Health
Butter consists of a good amount of beta-carotene, known as a booster for eye health. It contributes to the protection of the eyes, encourages additional cellular growth, retarding the onset of cataracts, and decreasing the chances of macular degeneration. It also decreases the risk of angina pectoris and other eye-related conditions.

8. Bone Health
Butter is rich in essential minerals, like manganese, zinc, copper, and selenium – these are all important elements in maintaining bone health and encouraging bone repair and regrowth. Without a steady intake of these minerals, both essential and trace, you will develop osteoporosis, and arthritis, and will suffer from other symptoms of premature aging.
In moderation, butter can be a healthy part of your diet.
Stay healthy and safe!