Health Benefits of Chico

Rose May Pimentel in Health

Dec 26, 20223 min Read

Our chico is also known as ‘chiku or sapodilla’. It has a sweet malty flavor, often soft, and with a grainy texture. It contains high dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Chico is eaten raw but could be added to baked goods, jams, juices, milkshakes, ice creams, and other desserts due to its sweet and delicious taste.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of this tropical fruit, from Netmeds:

1. Promotes Gut Health

The powerful antiparasitic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties found in chico soothe the irritated tummy, and treat gastritis, and other bowel disorders. The fiber content aids in digestion and is an excellent laxative that relieves constipation and lowers infections of the gut.

2. Stronger Bones

The umpteen amount of essential minerals present in chico may help strengthen the bones, can greatly improve bone quality, and promote muscle and tissue strength.

3. Bolsters Immunity

Chico comes with a whopping amount of vitamins C, and A and antioxidants that play a crucial role in triggering the immune system, scavenging free radicals, promoting skin health, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases. It also shields the body from viruses, bacteria, and parasite attacks.

4. Boost Energy

Chico being rich in fructose and sucrose provides you with an instant source of natural energy, ideal to be taken during workouts. It’s also one of the best choices of fruit for growing children and pregnant women to meet their increasing nutrient demand for a healthy life.

5. Healthy Skin

Chico is a great fruit for enhancing skin health and beauty. The abundance of vitamins A, C, E, and K in chico keep the skin hydrated and rejuvenate skin cells. The array of antioxidants makes the skin wrinkle-free, improves the complexion, slows down aging, and glows naturally. The milky sap obtained from chico is also beneficial in clearing warts and fungal growth on the skin.

6. Prevents Cancer

Chico enriched with antioxidants is one of the best fruits which can lower the risk of various forms of cancer. The goodness of vitamins A and B aids in maintaining the mucus lining healthy and lowers the risk of lung and oral cancers. Being super-rich in dietary fiber facilitates keeping the gut healthy and protects the body from colon cancer.

7. Controls Blood Pressure

Chico is highly recommended for controlling high blood pressure. It is loaded with an ample amount of potassium, aids in lowering sodium levels, promotes blood circulation, and regulates blood pressure.

8. Good for Moms-to-Be

Loaded with electrolytes, carbohydrates, and vitamins, chico is considered a superfood for expecting mothers. To tackle morning sickness and dizziness, pregnant women should eat this fruit. Lactating mothers can consume it daily for it keeps stomach-related disorders at bay.

9. Hair Health

Eating chico regularly helps remove toxins from your body which makes it ideal for your skin and hair. Chico is known as happy hair food for it helps promote the production of collagen. In addition, chico seed oil is effective on the itchy scalp and is a good moisturizer for hair.

10. Cures Cold and Cough

Chico contains essential chemical compounds that can remove the phlegm and thick mucus from the respiratory tract and keep congestion and chronic coughs at bay.

11. Digestive Benefits

Chico has a myriad of health benefits when eaten with the skin. Nutrients in chico maintain the health of the mucus lining. Essential vitamins and minerals regulate the smooth functioning of the digestive tract.

Chico is an all-in-one super fruit. Start including this awesome fruit in your daily diet and enjoy its benefits!

Stay healthy and safe!

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