Health Benefits of Chili Pepper
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Sep 30, 2022 • 3 min Read
Chili pepper or Sili in Pilipino, is rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants essential for human health. It is used as a spice to enhance the food flavor and used in traditional medicine.
Here are some of the amazing benefits of chili pepper, from Organic Facts:
1. Reduces Arthritic Pain
The topical application of chili pepper irritates the area where it is applied on, thus helps distract the nerves from joint pains due to arthritis.
2. Boosts Digestion
A diet containing chili pepper helps avoid stomach aches, gas, and cramps. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine recommends it for proper digestion as it stimulates the flow of stomach secretions and saliva.

3. Heals Sore Throat
It is said that water mixed with chili pepper powder can be used to gargle when you have a sore throat. However, many people prefer not to use it as it is very spicy.
4. Improves Blood Circulation
When any body part is sick, the blood flow to that area is usually affected. Chili pepper helps remove that entire blotch, stimulates blood flow, makes sure that vitamins are properly delivered to all areas, and guarantees that waste is removed.
5. Relief from Congestion
Capsaicin in chili pepper powder stimulates secretions, which helps clear the mucus from the nose and lungs by clearing the sinuses and causing sweating. In villages in India, if a person has nose or chest/lungs congestion, extra chili is added to their regular vegetables to make them extra spicy. Tea mixed with chili pepper powder is believed to be good against conditions of cold and flu.

6. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Research proves that giving chili pepper extract orally to a patient can help to avoid heart attacks. Chili pepper helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and helps to dissolve fibrin, which causes the formation of blood clots. It also reduces triglyceride levels.
7. Relieves Headache
Smelling chili pepper or having it in a drink may help relieve headaches.
8. Boosts Immunity
Vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene, in chili pepper gives protection against invading pathogens. It helps in developing healthy mucous membranes in the nasal passage, lungs, and urinary tracts, thereby providing immunity against infections.
9. Weight Loss
Chili pepper added to food helps you lose weight with proper digestion. It also reduces excess appetite due to inefficient absorption of nutrients. When you eat food that has extra spicy chili, you tend to drink more water, which can help you lose a bit of weight, and flush your system out.

10. Anticancer Potential
Capsaicin present in chili pepper is an important bioactive phytochemical that acts as a cancer preventive agent. An animal study published in Cancer Research journal says that capsaicin acts as a carcinogen. Another study published in Anticancer Research mentions that capsaicin exerts chemopreventive effects, induces apoptosis, and helps prevent further cancer cell growth.
Capsaicin does not only spice up the meals, it’s also one of the ingredients of pepper spray used for self-defense.
It’s important to pay attention to your tolerance levels when eating chili peppers. Using them as a spice may be healthy, but those who experience digestive distress should avoid them.
The next time you put together a meal, consider adding a dash of spice. With chili pepper, a little can go a long way. A slight burn on your tongue or a teary eye might be worth its benefits.
Stay healthy and safe!