Health Benefits of Chives
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Jul 14, 2022 • 3 min Read
Chives (kutsay) are mainly used for cooking sumptuous dishes. It has plenty of health benefits and medicinal uses. Chives are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also have excellent antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibiotic properties.
Chives have a unique, spicy flavor that’s somewhere between the taste of garlic and onions. The most common way to eat chives is to chop them into small ringlets and sprinkle them on cooked food as a garnish. They are commonly used in giving flavor to food such as salads, soups, dips, stews, and more.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of chives, from Organic Facts:
1. May Help Treat Digestive Issues
The unique organic compounds found in chives may deliver similar benefits to the body as garlic, and can effectively ease digestive discomfort. They have natural antibacterial qualities that can eliminate a wide range of bacteria, particularly those in the salmonella family, which can wreak havoc on your gastrointestinal system. Specifically, they can increase the nutrient uptake efficiency of your gut, ensuring that you get as many of the nutrients from your food as possible.
2. May Improve Heart Health
Allicin, one of the most important organic compounds found in chives has been linked to reduced levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body and improved heart health. Allicin may lower blood pressure. Quercetin, another organic compound has been directly connected to lowering cholesterol levels and plaque in the arteries. It’s linked to preventing atherosclerosis and lowering your risk of stroke and heart attacks.
3. May Boost Immunity
The high levels of vitamin C in chives help boost the efficacy of the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells and the production of collagen, which is an essential component in the creation of new blood vessels, cells, tissues, and muscles.

4. May Have Anticancer Potential
According to a study, chives contain a potential anticancer agent. A study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention suggests that the risk of some types of cancer might be alleviated in populations that regularly consume plants of the Allium genus such as chives. It also denotes the importance of sulfur compounds in chives and other allium vegetables and their observed properties of decreasing the bioactivation of carcinogens and redox modifications. As suggested in the study, intake of Allium genus vegetables may prove to be beneficial against stomach cancers.
5. May Improve Vision
The carotenes found in chives, namely lutein, and zeaxanthin, are directly responsible for reducing oxidative stress in the ocular system and delaying the appearance of cataracts in the eye. They also help slow or prevent macular degeneration, keeping your eyes healthy well into your old age.
6. Might Detoxify the Body
Chives have mild diuretic properties, combined with other potentially free-radical scavenging and antibacterial qualities, these are wonderful ways to detoxify the body. By stimulating urination, chives can help the body get rid of excess toxins, salts, water, and even fat, keeping the organ systems running smoothly and clearing out any dangerous substances that could do us harm.

7. Might Help Prevent Birth Defects
Folic Acid, another essential nutrient in chives is elemental for pregnant mothers who want to ensure the healthy development of their infant. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects in newborn infants, and this herb is a rich source of folic acid for conscientious mothers.
Start adding this wonderful herb to your daily diet and enjoy its benefits!
Stay healthy and safe!
thank you, very much helpful.