Health Benefits of Corn
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Jan 30, 2021 • 3 min Read
Corn is the second most important crop in our country, known also as the “poor man’s rice” due to its popularity as an alternative staple food. It is also one of the world’s most popular cereal grains. It has high nutritional value, rich in protein, fat, fiber, and other essential vitamins. Corn also contains two essential amino acids, lysine, and tryptophan, which provide numerous health benefits.
Corn is prepared in many ways, milled and made into flour, eaten tender in salads and soups, steamed, and roasted.
Here are some of the amazing health benefits of corn, from Organic Facts:
1. Prevents Constipation
The fiber content in one cup of corn amounts to 18.4% of the daily recommended amount. This aids in alleviating digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids, due to maize being a whole-grain.
2. Weight Gain
Corn, especially the yellow variety, is a rich source of calories and a staple in many places. The calorific content of sweet yellow and white corn is 96 calories per 100 grams, often turned to for quick weight gain.
3. Provides Essential Minerals
Corn contains several essential minerals that can help in ensuring proper growth and fighting diseases. According to a study, it is an important source of iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also contains trace minerals like selenium, which are difficult to find in most diets. Phosphorus is essential for regulating normal growth, bone health, and optimal kidney functioning. Magnesium is necessary for maintaining a normal heart rate and for increasing bone mineral density.

4. Protects Your Heart
According to research, corn oil has been shown to have an anti-atherogenic effect on cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. Corn oil, in particular, is the best way to improve heart health and is derived from the fact that corn is close to an optimal fatty acid combination. This allows omega-3 fatty acids to strip away the damaging LDL or bad cholesterol and replace them at the binding sites. This can reduce the chances of arteries becoming clogged, lower blood pressure, and minimize the risk of heart attack and stroke.
5. Eye and Skin Care
Yellow corn is a rich source of beta-carotene, which forms vitamin A in the body and is essential for the maintenance of good vision and skin. As per a study, beta-carotene is a great source of vitamin A because it is converted into the body according to the amount required. It may also benefit the health of skin and mucous membranes, as well as boost the immune system. The amount of beta-carotene in the body that is not converted into vitamin A acts as a very strong antioxidant, like all carotenoids, and can combat diseases.

6. Manages Diabetes
Consumption of whole-grain corn is related to a decreased risk in the development of type 2 diabetes. From the Journal of Medicinal Food, consumption of its kernels assists in the management of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and is effective against hypertension due to the presence of phenolic phytochemicals in whole corn. Phytochemicals can regulate the absorption and release of insulin in the body that can reduce the chance of spikes and drops for people with diabetes to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.
7. Cosmetic Benefits
Cornstarch is used in the manufacturing of many cosmetic products and may be applied topically to soothe skin rashes and irritation.
Indeed, corn can provide the best of both worlds. For this reason, moderate consumption of whole-grain corn, such as popcorn or sweet corn, can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet.
Stay healthy and safe!