Health Benefits of Cupping
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Nov 30, 2022 • 3 min Read
Olympic legend Michael Phelps famously bores the marks of cupping on his back. Cupping, also known as ventosa, has been used for thousands of years in treating numerous health conditions and is still widely accepted and used wordwide.
Cupping is placing cups on the patient’s skin to create a vacuum to form negative pressure, which draws blood to the surface of the skin in specific parts of the body that needs healing. It opens pores to promote detoxification and the function of white blood cells that increases immunity. According to research, the marks that appear on the surface of the skin after cupping are ‘old blood’ which is low in oxygen and high in toxic chemicals.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of this alternative medicine from the Resolution Health website:
1. Increases circulation
The suction from the cups increases circulation to the area where the cups are placed. The additional blood flow helps relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair. Increasing circulation with cupping helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.
2. Encourages tissues to release toxins
Cupping gives your body a boost in releasing toxins. Focused blood flow helps the body flush built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating the body’s toxins and waste.)
3. Reduces anxiety
The parasympathetic nervous system engages as the cups are glided across the skin. This promotes deep relaxation. (Parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing the heart rate, assisting in digestion, and increasing intestinal and gland activity.)

4. Can reduce stretch marks and scars
Increased blood flow enables the body to dispose of toxins, restores lymphatic circulation, and helps remove edema (excess fluid), which helps reduce the appearance of scarring. Studies have shown the positive effects of cupping on stretch marks and scars even in areas that are far from the area where the cups are applied.
5. Treats varicose veins and spider veins
Varicose veins look like bulging, bluish veins just under your skin, usually on the legs and feet. They happen when the valves inside the vein aren’t working properly—the valves don’t effectively push the blood from the muscle back to the heart, so the blood congests and the veins twist and bulge. Cupping helps by bringing fresh blood flow and oxygen back to the problem areas. You’ll notice your varicose veins appear lighter after your first session, though it will take a series of cupping sessions for lasting results.
6. Clears congestion and helps treat asthma
Congestion (the buildup of fluid or phlegm in your lungs) caused by a cold, bronchitis, or even asthma can be treated with cupping. The suction from cups breaks up and expels congestion. It brings oxygen-rich blood and lymph toward your lungs and your other respiratory muscles. Facial cupping can also be used to help unblock your sinuses.
7. Clears colon blockages and aid digestion
Cupping helps engage the parasympathetic nervous system to increase blood flow in the digestive tract. Gentle cupping over the abdomen stimulates the insides of your digestive organs. It aids in peristalsis (contractions that push food through your digestive tract), helps clear colon blockages, encourages blood and body fluid to move through your organs, and helps relieve indigestion.

Try this all-natural and safe therapy that can work in a few different ways.
It’s extremely low risk but not recommended for children, pregnant women, or people with health conditions like skin ulcers or issues that cause people to bleed easily.
Stay healthy and safe!