Health Benefits of Fasting
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Aug 19, 2022 • 2 min Read
Fasting has significant health benefits to increasing energy levels, preventing chronic diseases, improving mental health, and as a weight loss tool when done correctly.
Fasting focuses on when you eat versus what you eat. You decide on when you will eat and when you will fast. The most popular method is the 16/8 method: Eat only during a set of eight hours, during the day, and fast during the other 16. Water and beverages without calories are acceptable during the fasting period.

Here are some of the benefits of fasting, from Organic Facts:
1. Detoxification
When no food is consumed by the body, it turns to the fat deposits for energy, which releases chemicals from the fatty reserves and results in the eradication of these chemicals through the organs. It can cleanse and correct the imbalances in the body.
2. Mental Health
Fasting results in increased blood endorphin level that causes alertness and is good for mental health. Studies show that calorie restriction through intermittent fasting has a similar effect to that of exercise resulting in healthy aging of the brain.

3. Weight Loss
Fasting is being used to combat obesity. A study demonstrated positive results on average weekly weight loss during fasting. It triggers the liver enzymes and breaks fat and cholesterol into essential bile acids, which stimulate the metabolism and convert the surplus fat into heat. It also helps you avoid overeating as it regulates the hunger hormone levels – ghrelin. Regular fasting improves the eating patterns over time.
4. Healthy Intestines
Fasting helps reverse the age-related decline in intestinal stem cell functioning. Fasting causes the cells to break down fatty acids instead of glucose and help the cells become more regenerative.

5. Speeds Up Healing
Fasting promotes the healing process in the body. An empty stomach causes the body to focus on other vital functions like metabolic activity and the immune system, rather than digestion which is not necessary until the next meal. Research showed significant development in the immune system of the intestines and the overall health of patients under medical supervision. Athletes are encouraged to fast during training days, to shed excess fat and optimize muscle growth.
6. Skin Care
The mechanism of autophagy involves the synthesis and recycling of cellular components by the degradation of unnecessary cells. It gets promoted during fasting. This leads to the production of healthier cells and tissues throughout the body, leading to healthier skin. It also aids in collagen production and acne treatment.

7. Releases Growth Hormones
Growth hormones stimulate the growth and production of cells in the body. The production increases during fasting, resulting in the release of better growth and anti-aging hormones.
8. Protects Heart Health
Fasting influences the regulation of glucose, lowering blood pressure, body mass, triglycerides, increasing insulin sensitivity, and levels of HDL (good) cholesterol as demonstrated by various studies conducted.
Fasting has benefits, but it’s not for everyone. People with low blood pressure, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and diabetics, must consult a doctor before fasting.

Stay healthy and safe!