Health Benefits of Kamias
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Aug 25, 2022 • 3 min Read
Kamias or bilimbi tree from its fruits, leaves, and stems has multiple health benefits ranging from vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Notable is its fruits are antidiabetic and antibacterial though less appreciated. In the Philippines, kamias are found in backyards.
Kamias have various culinary uses across several Asian cuisines. It may be consumed as raw – dipped in salt, soy sauce, or sugar; juiced, relished, or pickled. It’s used as a souring agent for everyday dishes like sinigang and paksiw.

Here are some of the amazing benefits and uses of Kamias:
1. Control Diabetes
Kamias is known to reduce blood sugar levels. There are two ways of controlling blood sugar levels: first, make kamias into juice and drink it; second is by boiling the fruit and mashing it and taking the decoction twice a day.
2. Treatment of Obesity
Kamias are used in India to control obesity. It is said that kamias contains anti-hyper-lipidemic agents that prevents weight gain. Obesity can lead to various diseases.
3. Antibiotic Effect
Sap from stems and leaves are used in traditional medicine to reduce swelling, rheumatism, itch, and insect bites. Stems and leaves are mashed with 3-4 cloves of garlic and made into a smooth paste. The paste is applied to the affected area of the skin. The astringent effect will reduce the swelling and pain in rheumatism, also reducing the swelling caused by skin eruptions and insect bites.

4. Treatment of Allergies
Allergy is caused by hypersensitivity of the body’s immune system towards particular things outside of the body. The symptoms may include red eyes, breathing disturbance, runny nose, itching on the skin, etc. Drinking kamias fruit juice or leaves infusion regularly helps to reduce allergies.
5. Control Hypertension
Kamias have been used traditionally to control hypertension. It’s boiled with three cups of water until half of the water has evaporated, and decoction can be taken once it’s lukewarm – best to drink every morning for better results.
6. Reduce Fever and Flu
Kamias fruit decoction is used for centuries to treat fever. The flower is made into an infusion for treating colds and coughs. The high vitamin C in Kamias helps strengthen the immune system.

7. Cough Syrup
Kamias fruit extract has been added to cough syrup, due to its positive effects in reducing coughs and runny nose. The sour taste also makes the cough syrup more palatable.
8. Painful Muscles
Kamias tree leaves are pounded and turned either into a paste or poultice, which may be applied directly to painful muscles. Unlike conventional painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, kamias leaves help ease muscle pain without causing unfavorable side effects.
9. Treatment of STD
In Malaysia, Sun-dried fruits and leaves are used to treat STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Sun-dried fruits and leaves are boiled with three glasses of water until half of the water evaporates, and decoction can be taken two times a day. Flower infusion is used to treat thrush.

10. Reduce Pimples and Brighten Skin
Oxalic acid and vitamin A found in kamias help reduce pimples, soothing the painful inflamed ones. Vitamin C makes the skin brighter, reduces black spots, and keeps the skin tight because it promotes the production of collagen, a substance needed to keep the skin tone.
Remember, the Kamias tree is very useful, especially for our health.
Stay healthy and safe!