Health Benefits of Longan

Rose May Pimentel in Health

Aug 18, 20233 min Read

Longan is a low-calorie fruit, sweet, juicy, and rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. One serving of longan provides almost a full day’s requirement. It’s traditionally used in herbal medicine for its benefits on the nervous system and overall vitality.

Longan can be enjoyed in various ways, but the simplest is to eat it fresh and raw. It can also be made into jam, juice, or added to smoothies or salads.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of this delicious tropical fruit, from Organic Facts:

1. Helps with Skin Care

Longan contains high amounts of Vitamin C which is vital for collagen synthesis which keeps the skin firm and healthy. It provides antioxidant protection against ultraviolet radiation and clears out the oxidative stress in your system.

2. Anti-Aging

Longan may help eliminate wrinkles, age spots, as well as blemishes, and the appearance of scars. The flesh of the fruit contains vitamins B and C as well as antioxidants. These anti-aging properties minimize dryness, as well as the cracking and peeling of the skin.

3. Relieve Anxiety

Longan may have a calming effect and may relieve anxiety and sleeplessness.

4. Improves Sleep Quality

In a study, it was found that longan extract may have anxiolytic activity that prolongs sleep time.

5. Used as a Blood Tonic

The trace amount of iron in longan helps stimulate the production of red blood cells and boost circulation. Proper blood flow allows the circulation of oxygen which increases energy and prevents anemia.

6. Helps in Weight Loss

The low-calorie contents of longan aid in losing weight. The nutrient density helps suppress the appetite despite the high amount of consumption.

7. Regulates Blood Pressure

It has a potassium content that helps to lower blood pressure. The mineral is a vasodilator that can release the tension in your blood vessels and arteries ultimately protecting the cardiovascular system and reducing your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

8. Provides Neuroprotection

Research has found that longan may help balance the electrolytes in the body and can help improve the function of the nervous system. The electrical signals required for every action in the body must pass through the electrolytes and help overall function and muscle movement.

9. Strengthens Immunity

Longan vitamin C may boost your immune system in addition to increasing antioxidant activities.

10. Speeds-up Healing

Having a high level of vitamin C means that this fruit helps in the production of collagen, an essential for every tissue, cell, or muscle in the body. Proper levels of collagen mean that repair can happen effectively and efficiently.

11. Aids in Digestion

Longan has a high fiber content that helps bulk up the stool and promote peristaltic motion. It might help pass bowel movements and prevent symptoms of constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, and general stomach upset, while improving nutrient uptake efficiency.

12. Improves Vision Health

B vitamins, especially B6, B12, and folic acid present in this tropical fruit may lower the chances of age-related macular degeneration and help maintain vision health.

13. Aid in Dental Care

It contains B vitamins that are known to keep the teeth and gums in good condition.

Longan is considered a superfood. Start making this superfruit a nutritious addition to your balanced diet and enjoy its benefits.

Stay healthy and safe!

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