Health Benefits of Olive Oil
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Mar 02, 2023 • 3 min Read
Olive oil is widely recognized as a great source of antioxidants which can help fight inflammation and chronic diseases. Its positive effects on overall health makes it one of the healthiest foods.
It is a liquid fat produced by extracting the oil from olives by press. It’s used in cooking, frying, and salad dressings. It is also used in cosmetics, medications, and soaps, as well as a source of energy for traditional oil lamps for it has religious significance.

Olive oil is a healthier cooking alternative as it has a low total amount of polyunsaturated fats.
Here are some of the amazing benefits of olive oil, from Organic Facts:
1. May Lower Cholesterol
A study recommends including the extra virgin variety to reduce the risk of heart disease. LDL cholesterol is a bad type of cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and other heart diseases. Extra virgin olive oil, rich in almost 40 antioxidant chemicals, may help reduce the oxidation effects of LDL cholesterol. It also helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
2. May Help Manage Diabetes
A study showed that olive oil can help prevent and manage diabetes when included in the daily diet.

3. May Aid in Weight Loss
Research has shown positive results on using olive oil for weight loss as it contains healthy fats and is a great alternative to butter and other oils loaded with calories. It can increase the breakdown of food after a meal and may help reduce food intake by making you feel fuller with smaller portions.
4. May Prevent Inflammation
It is rich in polyphenols that have potentially anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Its use helps inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and relieve inflammation.
5. May Improve Digestion
Olive oil is known to aid in the digestive process, used as a medicinal oil to clean the digestive tract, and improve bowel movements.

6. May Delay Aging
Rich in antioxidants, olive oil can slow the natural aging process of the human body. The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil help cells maintain their integrity. Used in cosmetic products and natural herbal therapy, it can do wonders to the skin through a natural shine.
7. May Prevent Gallstones
Olive oil is effective in preventing gallstones as it has a laxative effect. It is often used by people practicing gallbladder cleansing.

8. May Have Anticancer Potential
Olive oil protects the human body against cancerous growth, especially bowel cancer, and breast and skin cancer. Medical research has shown positive signs that the acidic content of this oil can prevent the commencement of rectum and bowel cancer. A study suggests that extra virgin variety is a godsend in preventing cancer cell growth in the body.
9. May Lower Hypertension
A research suggests that a Mediterranean diet comprising food potentially rich in unsaturated fats (found in olive oil) may help protect you from hypertension.
10. Other Benefits
The oil boosts the metabolism, the growth of good bone structure, and brain development in children. It can be an excellent source of vitamin E, which is beneficial to older people. Studies have shown that an increased intake of vitamin E can lower the risk of developing cataracts and vision loss related to age.

Olive oil is incredibly nutritious, and it has head-to-toe health benefits. Go ahead, and give your meals and recipes a good drizzle (or glug) of this liquid gold.
Stay healthy and safe!