Health Benefits of Paragis
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Mar 10, 2023 • 3 min Read
Paragis grass has been used in traditional and herbal medicine applications in various countries for centuries and has a wide range of health benefits. It is almost everywhere in the Philippines and mostly in warm countries widely spread along river banks, settled areas, and even along roads.
For ages, paragis have been employed in traditional Pinoy medicine. It is claimed to provide a variety of benefits, acting as a natural diuretic, and detoxifier. It is also referred to as a ‘Miracle Grass’ because it supposedly increases fertility. Dried paragis leaves are bunt as insect repellent in some parts of the country.
Studies have shown that paragis can help improve digestion, lower blood sugar levels, and reduce inflammation. It also contains compounds that can boost brain function and protect against cognitive decline. Paragis also contains various properties like an antihistamine, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and natural diuretic properties. By boiling its leaves, roots, and stem, it can be used as herbal medicine.

Here’s how locals can use this amazing grass:
1. Respiratory and Liver Problems
Herbal medicine users drink paragis tea to cure asthma, colds, cough, flu, and fever. In Malaysia, the locals boil its roots for asthma treatment while in Cambodia, they drink tea to relieve fever and liver problems.
2. Dewormer
Local folks of Sumatra, Indonesia believe that paragis tea is an effective anthelmintic. A glass or two of tea removes worms and other parasites in the body due to the strong laxative properties of the grass.
3. Kidney and Gallstone Problems
The diuretic property of paragis increases the amount of water in the body, thus flushing out toxins and salt through urine.

4. Cystitis, Urinary Tract Infection, and Other Urinary Problems
Just as it cleanses the kidneys, paragis effectively removes other urinary issues. Regular drinking of the tea eases UTI, cystitis, and other urinary problems.
5. Scurvy
In ancient times, paragis was used by mariners as an effective remedy for scurvy, or deficiency in Vitamin C.
6. Cancer
The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of paragis hinder cancer cells from developing in the body. Extracts of the grass do selective inhibitory growth on human lung cancer and cervical cancer cells.
7. Ovarian Cyst and Myoma
Try drinking boiled paragis in the morning and before bedtime, it may dissolve ovarian cysts and myomas.
8. Placenta Removal
The Malays, an ethnic group of Austronesian peoples, boil paragis leaves and give them to mothers right after childbirth. The juice works efficiently in removing the placenta.

9. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Malaria
If you’re a Type 2 diabetic, drink paragis tea regularly. In Nigeria, folks boil the paragis leaves and drink them to alleviate the diabetes problem and cure malaria fever. Likewise, locals in Myanmar prove that boiled leaves and stems help balance and lower the risk of hypertension. They also say that the tea frees people from diabetes complications.
10. Dysentery, Diarrhea, Hemoptysis, and Other Health Problems
In Colombia and Cameroon, people resort to paragis tea to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and convulsions. Also in Cameroon, local folks drink the tea to ease the problems of epilepsy and intestinal occlusion. The infusion of whole grass is used to treat hemoptysis while infertile women turn to paragis tea to reverse their condition.
11. Jaundice
In Venezuela, they administer a decoction of goosegrass seeds to infants that suffer from black jaundice.
Undoubtedly, paragis is nature’s wonder. The next time you see this plant anywhere, make sure to think of the health benefits it may possess.
Stay healthy and safe!
Thank you for very informative how important of natural herbal like paragis
Thank you for the informative effects of this grass. Plenty of these are in our backyard. I will harvest it and boil and make it my regular water intake.
It is very helpful to me after going through its health benefits. May God bless you.
Greetings Rose May and thank you for blessing us with this detailed information regarding Piragis grass: “Eleusine indica, the Indian goose grass, yard grass, wiregrass, or crowfoot grass, a species of grass in the family Poaceae.” This is something that I was made aware of only recently and have used it lately to good benefit for a respiratory issue I’ve been dealing with for over a week. Drunk hot or at room temperature, I’m pleased to say it definitely seems to be helping clear up the issue!
This, one of many gifts of the Almighty in His perfect natural order for us humans, I see as valuable indeed! Imagine that people all over the earth are taking hundreds of precarious, nefarious injections, pills, and potions—a myriad of perilous poisons to cure what ails them, when all from a seed, it’s already made free, just for the taking, and readily available in the form of an invasive grass; alas!
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6
“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!” Mathew 6:30
“He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the labor of man, So that he may bring forth food from the earth,” Psalm 104:14
“I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies
And of the son of man who is made like grass,” Isaiah 51:12
To God be the Glory!
Thanks for helping us with information .i am going to try from today be blessed.