Health Benefits of Patani
Rose May Pimentel in Health
May 05, 2023 • 2 min Read
Patani or lima bean is a type of legume known for its mild flavor, creamy texture, and unique color. It’s a nutrient-dense food that provides a huge amount of nutrients and a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Patani could be baked, cooked, or used in form of salad. Its seeds are added to soups, stews, and could be processed into puddings, porridge, and cakes. The green, immature seeds, pods, and leaves are prepared as vegetables.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of Patani, from Organic Facts:
1. Improves Heart Health
Patani is rich in dietary fiber, which can help scrape cholesterol and possibly eliminate it from the body. It is known to be a good source of magnesium and folate. Having enough magnesium in the body may help regulate blood pressure, by relaxing the blood vessels and reducing strain on the heart, thus preventing strokes and heart attacks. Folate is associated with lower homocysteine levels, elevated homocysteine is a telling factor behind coronary disease.
2. Increases Energy Levels
Patani has impressive protein content. Protein is an easily accessible energy. It can provide a clean and healthy boost to your cognition and focus. Its manganese content may help optimize the energy production process in the body. The iron content boosts red blood cell circulation, improving oxygenation, and increasing energy.
3. Aids in Diabetes Management
According to a Harvard Medical School report, daily intake of a cup of beans or lentils combined with a low-glycemic diet may reduce blood sugar concentration and decreases coronary artery disease risk in people with type 2 diabetes.

4. Contains Antioxidant Properties
The high manganese concentration in patani may help protect the immune system and prevent various health conditions.
5. Leads to Improve Digestion
Dietary fiber is well-known for its impact on digestion and the gastrointestinal tract. Patani is an incredible source of fiber, a single cup may serve more than 50% of your recommended daily fiber intake and it can do great things for your digestive health.
6. Blood Circulation Stimulant
The high content of iron found in patani may make it very good for the circulatory system. Iron is a necessary component for the production of red blood cells, which can thus increase circulation. When more oxygenated blood gets to the extremities, it can speed healing and repair following an illness or injury.
7. Aids in Growth and Repair
Patani contains a significant amount of protein, 1/3 of our daily recommended amount in a single cup, which is important for every single process of the body. Proteins are the building blocks of our body. It is required from cell and tissue development to cognition, bone strength, and energy. Boosting your protein levels with patani is an effective and vegetarian-friendly option.

Patani is a nutritional powerhouse – a low-calorie, low-glycemic index package finding its way into your table as a nutritious side dish.
Stay healthy and safe!
Featured Image: Photo Credit to The Spruce