Health Benefits of Red Wine
Rose May Pimentel in Health
May 05, 2022 • 3 min Read
Scientific evidence indicates that moderate consumption of red wine provides health benefits due to its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, vitamins, minerals, and fat-regulating properties.
Red wine is a type of alcoholic drink made by crushing and fermenting whole dark-colored grapes. It comes in several types, with different colors and tastes depending on the exclusive recipes of each winemaker.
Below are some of the amazing benefits of red wine:

- Cardioprotective Abilities
Recent studies have reported promising health benefits associated with the heart. The cardioprotective effects are mainly due to the polyphenols found in red wine, especially resveratrol in grape skins. These polyphenols reduce platelet aggregation and improve fibrinolysis, thus aiding in the prevention of blood clots. A report reveals that small amounts of alcohol are safe and beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
2. Anti-inflammatory Properties
The American Chemical Society has found that the phenols found in red wine prevent platelet aggregation and counters thromboses that can occlude the inner lining of the blood vessels. One study showed that moderate consumption of wine was linked to a reduced inflammatory response due to its ethanol content. Also, in a large study of women, those who drank moderate amounts (1 glass a day) had significantly lower levels of all hemostatic and inflammatory factors examined compared to abstainers.

3. Rich in Antioxidants
Red wine provides a rich source of antioxidants that include flavonoids and polyphenols, such as resveratrol, which studies have shown to be an active element in cancer prevention. A study revealed that individuals who consumed 13.5 ounces of red wine daily for two weeks significantly increased their antioxidant status and decreased oxidative stress in blood circulation. However, it is not recommended to have more than a standard drink of 5 fluid ounces per day.
4. Anticancer Potential
A study also suggested that red wine might be useful in inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. The same research also highlights the stronger effect of mature wines in curbing cell growth, as compared to younger wines.
5. Helps Improve Memory
Recent research suggests that resveratrol found in red wine and red grapes may help in preventing age-related memory loss.

6. Neuroprotective Abilities
Resveratrol in wine plays a neuroprotective role and enhances the degradation of plaques that can cause Alzheimer’s as per studies.
7. Enhances Bone Health
The silicon content of red wine may protect bone density in postmenopausal women and older men.
8. Diuretic Properties
Like other alcoholic beverages, wine has diuretic properties and flushes out the toxins from the body during urination. Moderate consumption of alcohol may prevent the formation of kidney stones.
9. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
The antioxidants present in red wine have shown to control blood sugar levels in diabetic persons, specifically those with Type 2 diabetes. One study concluded that drinking a glass of red wine with or after a meal “modestly decreases cardiometabolic risk” in diabetic persons.

10. Promotes Gut Health
Polyphenols present in red wine and grapes can improve the gut microbiota, contributing to a healthy gut and digestive system. Red wine compounds may also function as prebiotics, compounds that boost beneficial gut bacteria. Another study suggested that red wine can increase the lowered risk of heart disease through its effects on the gut microbiome.
With that said, choosing red wine over other alcoholic drinks may be the healthier choice. So long as you drink in moderation, of course.
Stay healthy and safe!