Health Benefits of Yoga
Rose May Pimentel in Health
Jun 09, 2022 • 3 min Read
Yoga is a mind and body exercise. The term yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuji” which means union. Yoga, which originated in India, is more than just stretching the body and sweating the toxins. It helps calm the mind and improves posture and breathing.
People of various ages, body types, and states of physical fitness can find a type of yoga that will suit their situation. It’s simple to do.
Here are some of the amazing benefits of this ancient practice, from Organic Facts:

1. Relieves Depression
Yoga is considered good for reducing anxiety and stress. Tests have also shown positive results for yoga’s impact on depression and stress because participants reported a marked decrease in depression levels.
2. Controls Hypertension
The yoga relaxation techniques and regular practice of postures helps in reducing blood pressure. These postures keep the body and mind in a relaxed state. A study on yoga’s role in controlling blood pressure showed more positive results compared to the placebo treatments.
3. Healthy Heart
A study on people with coronary artery diseases showed that including yoga in their normal routine, a healthy diet, and a change in their lifestyle markedly improve their conditions.

4. Controls Diabetes
Regular yoga practice can also help in controlling diabetes. Controlled tests on diabetic patients resulted in improved diabetic conditions for the majority of people who had undergone some sort of yoga training.
5. Relieves Back Pain
Yoga poses or postures can provide relief from lower back pain.
6. Reduce Stomach Disorders
Certain postures help in controlling gastric troubles, tone up abdominal muscles, increase gastric juices, and improve digestion. These are simple forward-bending postures where one has to touch one’s feet without bending the knees and take it forward to an extent that the palms must come under his or her feet with ease. This can help you get relief from a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues.
7. Treats Osteoarthritis
Yoga works well in controlling musculoskeletal pain as well, especially osteoarthritis. The efficacy of yoga on osteoarthritis was studied in people suffering from osteoarthritis in their hands. The tests showed that practicing yoga is effective in providing relief from hand osteoarthritis.

8. Treats Asthma and Bronchitis
Breathing exercises in yoga are good for asthma patients. Yoga postures along with alternating nostril breathing techniques can act as remedies for asthma and bronchitis.
9. Weight Loss
Yoga is considered to be beneficial for weight loss.
10. Increases Flexibility
There are specific yoga postures that positively affect various joints and stress points of the body. Yoga enhances the lubrication of these joints, ligaments, and tendons, making them flexible and functional.
11. Detoxifies the Body
Yoga ensures gentle stretching of muscles and joints, along with a comprehensive workout of various internal organs, which improves the optimum blood supply. Healthy blood flow is essential in flushing out the toxins and providing nourishment to every cell in the body for a zestful life. Yoga can slacken the pace of aging and ensure vitality.

12. Yoga during Pregnancy
Yoga is beneficial during pregnancy. Researchers in the UK studied the effects of yoga on pregnant women and found that it can reduce the risk of them developing anxiety and depression.
Indeed, yoga is not just physical training but also benefits your mental health. It brings relaxation, health, happiness, and a peaceful mind to your daily life. Try to practice yoga regularly to improve your life quality day by day.
Stay healthy and safe!