Not All Superheroes Wear Capes
Rose May Pimentel in Ang Pinoy Stories
Jun 21, 2020 • 2 min Read
“Being a father is a hard task. Harder is having the dual roles of a father and a mother at the same time.”

This is how Christopher, 43, working as a customs broker and caring for his seven children in Manila describes his experience as a single parent.
The Federation of Solo Parents estimates that there are around 20 million solo parents in the country. Christopher is one of them. He was separated from his wife seven years ago. He decided to raise and take care of all of the children. Back then, the eldest was 18 years old and the youngest was three.
Christopher relates, “the responsibilities and struggles of a solo parent can be physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially overwhelming.”

“It is hard raising children alone, especially when you have to raise seven of them, and six are girls. Some times giving up comes to mind but you cannot quit on your children,” he said. He decided to be strong inspite of the challenges. He needs to rear his children. Mutually, the children do their share of keeping the family together.
Today, Christopher’s eldest child is working at a business process outsourcing (BPO) company in Makati and helping support the family. The second child works with him at a customs brokerage in Manila. Just recently, his third child finishes her Journalism degree from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in Manila. The fourth child is an incoming Grade 11, the fifth and sixth are incoming Grade 10 and Grade 7 students respectively. His youngest child is an incoming Grade 5 student.
“I am working hard to provide my children with the necessary education and equip them in their respective lives. Being a solo parent is a stressful and hard job but it’s the hardest job that I will always love,” he explained.
Indeed being a single parent can be challenging, but also very rewarding.
That is why I am beyond proud and grateful to my father Christopher. I am the third child.

Here’s an open letter to my hero, my father:
Never-ending gratitude for a never-ending love of the first and greatest love of my life — Papa. I’ve seen how you work so hard to provide us with our needs and give us our wants. You are very selfless that you always put first everyone else’s needs before your own.
The day has come that I can finally fulfill my promise to you— to make it up to you. I have finished my studies and it’s my turn to provide for and take care of you.
We’re very blessed that we have a father like you. First, you’re my father, forever my hero. Happy Father’s Day, Papa!
Indeed some superheroes don’t have capes, they are called Dad. Happy Father’s Day to all super dads out there!