Retinol in Skin Care

Rose May Pimentel in Health

Oct 13, 20222 min Read

A derivative of Vitamin A, retinol has been around for decades and has been a go-to skin care solution for dermatologists — some might even say the gold standard. It’s used for all sorts of skin remedies, including fighting acne, reducing wrinkles, reversing sun damage, shrinking pores, and all the good stuff.

Retinol is an amazing ingredient that should be used when you are already in mid-20’s to prevent skin damage.

Retinol serum, gel, cream, and moisturizer are the most common forms of this ingredient. When applying retinol, skin cells will grow faster and better (like how your skin used to be when you were younger) and collagen will start to form in your skin dermis, so you can have back that youthful smooth, firm, and glowing skin.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of this holy grail ingredient:

1. Minimize fine lines and wrinkles by creating a plumping effect. When applied, retinol penetrates and stays in the epidermis and dermis, triggering the skin’s collagen production. As a result, the skin appears full and firm, and the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, become less prominent.

2. Refines skin texture through increased skin cell turnover. Retinol promotes a faster turnover of skin cells. As new skin cells grow, dead skin cells are removed and replaced by younger, healthier ones. As such, the skin becomes smoother and softer.

3. Clear clogged pores in oily and acne-prone skin. Retinol’s presence on the skin’s outermost layer helps remove dirt and oil from pores, resulting in blemish-free skin.

4. Helps fade sun spots and other signs of sun damage. Healthy skin is characterized by an even tone, and here, retinol scores high. The consistent application helps minimize skin pigmentation, based on a 2020 case study with participants who used retinol serums for eight weeks.

5. Brightens complexion as a result of cell renewal. With cellular turnover happening faster because of retinol, your skin brightens and looks more youthful.

6. Improve skin elasticity by improving its cellular structure. As a vitamin A derivative, retinol has tiny molecules that attach to DNA and stimulate cellular activities in healthy skin.

7. Treats acne through its anti-inflammation properties. Besides removing impurities on the skin’s surface, retinol prevents inflammation-causing molecules from entering the pores. Acne treatments that use retinol have been the subject of several studies, and the findings are consistent: retinol is safe and effective.

Take note, when combining retinol with other actives like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and Vitamin C, try it first for it may cause irritation.

Slowly start including retinol into your routine, say two or three times a week then after a few weeks, you can start using it almost every day to achieve timeless beauty.

Stay healthy and safe!

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