Rx. Love at First Sight
Feb 14, 2022 • 2 min Read
Doctors doing medical rounds normally view the patient’s charts and current vitals before indicating prescribed action. Corollary, it has been said that doctors are discouraged from doing self-diagnosis for it may shoot up the vitals into unknown proportions. A Neurosurgery Resident detailed with the Philippine General Hospital’s Trauma Ward missed these fundamentals sometime in September 2006.
Dr. Erwin Conrad D. Abueva saw a patient’s sister while doing his round, and his vitals went askew. His immediate finding then and now is that he finds the love of his life, that it is love at first sight, and announced his find to everybody. It was great – except that he does not even know her name. The only vital that was immediately visible is the beauty though the possibility that he may have gone into some sort of out of medical science to astral travel is not discounted. From being a doctor, he dabbled into detective work by finding out stuff about Merriam S Abueva through the nurses. He learned that his first love is a BS Chemistry graduate from De La Salle University-Manila and employed as an International Flight Attendant. His nurses cum spies also acquired her phone number.

They got to know each other and their intelligence and character complement. Medical practitioners are trained to be thorough and cautious while aircrews are known to be calm and prudent. Indeed, these characters were highlighted because barely five months after they met, they got married. After all, it could have been one month after they met. Though the complementary attributes are not defined by how fast Doc Erwin can be.

Erwin and Merriam said that the complementary character of their relationship, as defined by love, made the two previous wholes into halves of one whole, greater and more fulfilling. This symbiosis was emphasized when Doc Erwin decided to change his career path from a medical doctor to an airline pilot. Merriam provided the time and all the support for Doc Edwin.

What are the things that made these two halves better:
– ‘Never be afraid of life’s challenges as long as you and your partner share the same dreams and vision fueled by love and respect’;
– ‘Hurdle obstacles together’;
– ‘Use life’s challenges to strengthen your relationship’.

Today, Erwin is an airline pilot for an international airline while Merriam is an international flight attendant and business person. They are blessed with four kids. Merriam sees herself ten years from now in a semi-retired mode while Erwin will still be flying aircraft.
Nakakakilig naman ang kwento nila.,