When a Door Closes, a Window Opens: Teacher Becomes a Frontliner
Kim Navarro in Ang Pinoy Stories
Jun 20, 2020 • 1 min Read
Things do not always go according to our plans, but it doesn’t mean we will not have a way to fulfill our dreams.
We normally fear and endure the uncertainties that we encounter in life-changing events, but we must not overlook the opportunities presented.
Paul John Cayondang was a passionate high school teacher for six years, inspires his students, and encourages them to strive and aspire in life. The pandemic stopped his passion. He was notified by the school HR of the non-renewal of his contract. He became one of the Filipinos who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. He was devastated. He worried about his family especially his mom. He immediately sent his résumé to twenty schools, only one responded but without assurance. He applied to BPOs and waited for calls. He resold meriendas and medical supplies to support his family.
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reflected the Philippine unemployment rate in April 2020 jumps to 17.7 percent. It is an all-time high the PSA recorded. This pandemic made millions of Filipinos jobless.

A friend helped him. Paul John Cayondang landed work at Lord’s Grace Medical Diagnostic and Industrial Clinic as a frontliner. As a clinic receptionist, he assists people who will undergo rapid testing to fill-out questionnaires and scan their body temperature. This is different from motivating and inspiring the youth. Similar though in serving people. The job has its risks but it’s riskier not to have a job. He is grateful for the opportunity of having a job and serving people in this way.

Let us all be Paul John Cayondang. Do not falter. Be open. Be brave. Be a risk-taker. Be you, as always.
“The possibilities are endless. Go after them.”