Ang Nega Mo
Iris Palma in Tips and Advices
Aug 20, 2020 • 2 min Read
KUNG AKO IKAW: Mga Payo ni Manày
Ang Nega Mo | Ano ba ang tamang sagot sa nega na greeting?
This is a usual greeting of a friend you have not seen in months or years: Hello! Kumusta ka? Ang taba mo na!
How do you respond? Simpol. Hello, friend. Okay lang ako. Marami akong pambili ng masasarap na pagkain kaya lumalapad ako. Kumusta ka? Bakit ang pangit mo pa rin?
Memorize that and summon all the courage you can find to deliver that line without batting an eyelash. Can you? You can and you should! People should stop being negative and focus on the good things. You have not seen a friend for years and all you can say is “you’re fat?” Well, sorry but “you are still pangit.” That is terribly insulting sa friendship nyo.

There are better greetings like the following:
- OMG! It has been two years, friend! Howdy!
- Friend, you are blooming. Tell me your secret.
- Momshie, I miss our gala sa Trinoma.
- Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous.
- Pre, gwapo natin ngayon a. Kumusta na?
- Walang nagbago say o, tita! Still so pretty!

Honestly, if a friend greets me that way, I will stare at her and make her feel awkward. Afterwards, I would probably say this: Really, friend? What happened to you? Why are you mumbling nega? Do you have issues with my bilbil? I can loose them in two months.”
But I would probably just walk away, ignore her and block her on Facebook.
Learn, people, learn. The taba on our body does not define us but the greetings we use definitely reflect what kind of humans we are.
Now, maybe some positive and kind words next time?
Manày is the quintessential contemporary Tita with a heart of gold, a conscience of a nun (should that be ‘none?’), the drive of a teenager, and the language of one who has lived long enough to see both sides of the coin. Her words may hurt you, but they are expressed for your own good. Tough love and kindness are difficult to balance. So go ahead. Ask at your own risk.