Don’t be an ostrich in the city
Dennis Christian Hilanga in Tips and Advices
Aug 06, 2020 • 2 min Read
Netizens were startled when two ostriches ran free inside a Quezon City village recently. Many joked that “Jumanji” is real after videos capturing them gone viral online.
It is normal now to see empty streets and lesser crowds, so it’s really disturbing (yet amazing) to come across a 300-pounder avian specie running towards nowhere instead of people walking around the neighborhood.
But did you know that despite its wilderness, this animal is likely to be linked to people with weaker fighting spirit?
There’s a belief that this flightless bird conceals its head in the sand, believing itself unnoticed. An ostrich is often personified to someone who “attempts to avoid danger or difficulty by refusing to face it,” according to Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Amid this global health crisis, fight not to be an ostrich.
Yes, days are getting more challenging as uncertainty continues to rise each morning with most people’s minds clouded by negative but understandable thoughts.
The innumerable adversaries of COVID-19 can’t be solved or surpassed only by just letting it pass through without doing actions to stop its spread. There are simple yet effective ways for humanity to help the world grapple this unseen and vicious virus.
Instead of being an ostrich always trying to hide its head when danger nears, try to be an eagle in flight with a keen vision to hunt its prey.

Discipline is one key determinant in surviving a dreadful disease that has no available cure as of the moment. Redundant to say but observing physical and social distancing, proper wearing of face masks, frequent handwashing, and staying away from mass gatherings are strategic means of not contracting the coronavirus.
However, while most of the worldwide population adhere to the safety guidelines set by governing agencies such as the World Health Organization, many ostrich-like people are neglecting the pitfalls of the infectious disease and are breaking rules as if a pandemic isn’t existing.
Don’t be like these people who think that this whole global health emergency is nothing but a surreal thing or simply a hoax. Don’t be like these people who are escaping reality and making the current situation worse for others who wholly abide safety protocols just to make sure that the virus won’t further multiply. These coward people have no difference to an ostrich trying to hide its head in the sand when danger comes, they know that there is a problem but still keep their eyes closed as if this could patch the wound.

So don’t be an ostrich in facing this time of difficulty unless you have an elongated neck and legs while running carelessly inside a village where people are trying hard to cope and survive a plague.