The Art of Letting Go
Leonard Santiago in Tips and Advices
Jun 22, 2022 • 3 min Read
Letting go will teach you the art of being soft and humble, yet powerful and free Alexandra Vasiliu
People say that letting go can become easy as we age. At some point in our lives, we need to let go of things, friends, parents, loved ones, children, or burdens. It may be accompanied by pain and sorrow, and the challenge of staying in the moment and looking forward to the future. We need to be accustomed to the fact that we need to end a chapter, to start a new one.
Letting go and healing ourselves can be difficult and overwhelming at times especially if we still think of what we used to be. It can cause more suffering and self-destruction. It doesn’t motivate growth nor help us move forward.

Letting go is about finding the balance between grieving and focusing on where we are right now and understanding what we wanted that we cannot have before. How do we do this? Mastering the art of letting go may not be easy, but some ways can help us in letting go:
1. Acknowledge the emotional response of your body
Did you know that our body and soul know when to grieve? Grieving can be crippling, when you need to cry, let it out. Listen to your emotional soul and nurture it. Slowly, you’ll be surprised that your body and soul are no longer crying, it makes you emotionally powerful. Suppressing grief can cause more damage to your mental health, so better listen and accommodate it at times that it says, “I need you to cry.”

2. Pay tribute
If you miss a person and you’re grieving, pay a tribute by writing messages, and letters, and tell them the things you appreciate about them. You can also write in a journal every feeling that you have every day. If writing can be something hard to do, you can create a scrapbook or a special wall of memories.
3. Focus on what you need
When moving forward, people will give you suggestions like going to the park, starting dating again, studying, and have a life. Know and focus on what you currently need? Listen to yourself. Do you need a long walk in the park? Do you like to stay at home and watch movies the whole day? Do you like going to the gym and focusing on making your body strong? Do that! Do something that you need and not because someone told you to do so.

4. Focus on what you have and not on what you don’t have
Stop focusing on what you lost and appreciate the new opportunities coming your way. Let go of your thoughts on your old self, old job, old healthy body, or previous relationship.
Be your biggest cheerer! Think of what you can do more, the things that can transform and innovate. The art of letting go will teach you that the best motivator and cheerer of yourself is no other than yourself.
5. Remember that tomorrow is another beautiful day!
Always look at the new day as a fresh page to write a new story. Accept the good opportunities of the day. Life is a journey, the first day may be difficult but know that each new day brings new experiences.

Letting go may not be a linear process for there’ll be days that you will grieve and miss what has been gone. Just do not focus on this draining and dragging down feeling, always choose life and happiness and soon enough you’ll be free.