Who do you wake up to?

Kai Alfonso in Tips and Advices

May 26, 20202 min Read

In the daily ordinariness of my life as a working mom, it is so easy to run on thin line.

Juggling my roles as mother and career woman sometimes leaves tired. What perks me up? Coffee na lang ba?

It pays to do something one is passionate about that will break the monotony of life and inject colours to my otherwise monotonous world. It is something to smile about and to look forward to at the end of the day. So I read and write. I also learned to drop everything and go to a monastery to recharge.

My everyday routine starts at 5 a.m. when I prepare breakfast and lunch for me and my son. My son is off by 6:30 a.m. then I’m left to clean, shower, and be on my way to the office.

In the workplace, it’s a 180–degree turn from Mom to Manager. Once I enter the office, the shift gives rise to an unknown energy and transforms me to be ready for the day ahead. I remember Nescafe’s commercial — Para kanino ka bumabangon?

That question really sets me to thinking — kanino nga ba ako babangon?

  • As a single parent, babangon ako for my son. He is my one true inspiration. I always wonder what life would be without him. Seeing him pursuing his dreams takes me always one step higher from my usual drowsy self. It perks me up, sans the coffee.
  • My family, of course. Although each one has their own nooks to cultivate, it pays to think that taking care of myself is taking care of them also so I can be 24/7 ready to take their calls.
  • I also wake up to the call of my profession. It does not only give me the chance to nourish and exercise my mind, it sends in the money to pay the bills.
  • Above all, I wake up to the higher call of being able to serve humanity. It encompasses being a mom, a sister, an aunt, an officemate, a neighbour, a friend, a stranger. I wake up to be a blessing to others.

So wake up to being who you truly are — a SERVANT.

We may find our routine of waking and retiring too exhausting, but we experience the greatness of God in answering His call. The problems that come our way become the testing grounds of our faith. Look back at your life and find the reason to be grateful and to clearly see His faithfulness.

Accept what life has to offer to enjoy the sweet moments every day and thank God for the courage to stand up when you keep falling and failing. We can’t avoid such moments, but these enable us to reflect and start all over again. What matters after all is the truthfulness in facing life, the relationships we nurture along the way, and the lessons learned at the end of the day. Then life itself becomes our reward.

Who do you wake up to?

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