Pio De Roda Café – Thirty Years and Counting
Oct 24, 2021 • 1 min Read
“This is a family-owned and operated business with a real dynamic team and vision.”
Back in 1988, Mrs. Dolores Pio De Roda Gonzales has just retired from her long-time job as a Home Economics teacher. Given her cooking skills and active lifestyle, she decided to set up a small restaurant called “Beranda Café.”

Mrs. Dolores has her specialty foods like garlic chicken, lengua with mushroom sauce, and many more.
Not long after they opened the restaurant, her daughter, Ms. Amy joined her in the business. They opened an events place after 3 years, aggressively did food catering, offered party needs, and a few other services related to their main business.

Ms. Amy happily shared that their prayer then was at least to have one event per week, and they were lucky that they were blessed with more than what they have prayed for. There were times that they had 3 to 4 weddings in a week, and that prompted them to open another small event venue and room accommodations for their customers.

When the pandemic hits last year, Ms. Amy requested her daughter, Jen to go home to Indang and just help her in the business. This time, another opportunity pop-up and they’ve decided to open a “café” that would cater to the younger market.

Officially, there are 3 generations now handling the business. For Pio de Roda Cafe, it’s a good 33 years and still counting.

For the full inspiring story and business tips, please watch our “EntrePinoy” interview with Pio de Roda Café owners at our YouTube – Ang Pinoy Channel, with the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztcauy0bSv8
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